Stels Miss 7500 V (2015)


mountain, female, aluminum alloy frame, wheels 26" (double rims), fork depreciation, transmission with external switching, 21 atk., rear brake rim mechanical

General information (Stels Miss 7500 V (2015))
Release date on the market 2015
Class mountain
Women's bike
Teenage bike
Frame (Stels Miss 7500 V (2015))
Frame material aluminum alloy
Frame type open
Foldable frame
Rear shock
Frame color white, pink
Plug (Stels Miss 7500 V (2015))
Plug SR Suntour XCT
The plug type depreciation
The stroke of the shock absorber 80 mm
Transmission (Stels Miss 7500 V (2015))
Sprocket rear
Drive type chain
Transmission type with external switch
Number of speeds 21
System Prowheel
The number of stars in the system 3
The number of Num. of teeth in the stars system 24 - 42
Cassette Shimano Tourney
The number of stars in the cassette 7
Carriage VP
Front switch Shimano Tourney
Rear derailleur Shimano Altus
Shifters (shifter) (Stels Miss 7500 V (2015))
Shifters Shimano Acera ST-EF65
Type manitok combined
Brakes (Stels Miss 7500 V (2015))
Front brake Tektro
Type front brake rim mechanical
Rear brake Tektro
Type rear brakes rim mechanical
Wheels (Stels Miss 7500 V (2015))
The diameter of the wheels 26 "
Front hub Joy Tech
Rim Weinmann
Double rim
The material of the rims aluminum
Tires Chao Yang
Tread pattern mud
Bus width 1.95"
The wheel (Stels Miss 7500 V (2015))
Gipsy ergonomic
Saddle (Stels Miss 7500 V (2015))
Saddle Justek
Type saddle comfortable
Pedal (Stels Miss 7500 V (2015))
Pedal VP
Type pedals platform
Trim (Stels Miss 7500 V (2015))
Front flap
Back shield
Protection circuit partial
The trunk
Rear view mirror
Bell or horn
Depreciation saddle spring
Rear hub Joy Tech
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